WhatRoute Help

Location Services

WhatRoute can use macOS Location Services to more accurately pin point the location of your computer.

This information is only used internally by WhatRoute and is not transmitted to any 3rd party.

###To use Location Services you must:

Enable in Preferences
Open WhatRoute Preferences and check the item Use Location Services on the Trace and Ping panel.

Allow WhatRoute to use Location Services
macOS has strict controls on applications that use Location Services. If you have not authorised this use, WhatRoute will present an alert to take you to Location Services in System Preferences where you can enable the service.

Have an active Wi-Fi connection
Location Services will only work if your Wi-Fi network interface is active. If WhatRoute detects that the interface is inactive, it will present you with an alert to either give-up or go to Network Settings and enable the interface.

###To stop using Location Services

Disable in Preferences
Open WhatRoute Preferences and un-check the item Use Location Services on the Trace and Ping panel.

Disable in System Settings
Open System Settings and navigate to Security & Privacy/Privacy/Location Services.
Unlock the panel and either disable the service completely or uncheck the entry for WhatRoute.

Copyright © 2016-2021 B.R. Christianson (bryan@whatroute.net)